I often said to my family, would you let your kid get married at 15? Then why in the world would you let them make such a "huge" decision like getting baptised. Doesn't make a bit of sense.
diana netherton
JoinedPosts by diana netherton
"You knew what the consequences were when YOU decided to leave The Truth. This is YOUR decision and the outcome is YOUR responsibility."
by nicolaou inhow many of us have had to deal with a version of that retort?!
it's hurtful and i suspect - for some - that's partly because of the nagging feeling that our families may have a point.. but do they?.
i was 15 when i got baptised, is it reasonable that as the 50 year old man i'll be on my next birthday i continue to be held to a decision i made as a schoolboy?.
Awake and Watchtower - Top 10 Most Popular Magazines of 2013
by jw07 inthe washtowel and asleep magazines made the list.
an over-zealous dub just posted this link to my facebook wall.
diana netherton
I think it is correct that most of these publications end up in the rubbish. When my Grammy passed away a few months ago, I hauled armloads of old mags to the dumpster. I couldn't even be bothered to take them to get recycled.
What qualities do men look for in a woman?
by WildHorses ini was just wondering.
so, what do you look for in a woman?.
diana netherton
Okay, men...here is a question for you. Are you intimidated by beauty AND intelligence? Would you feel insecure?
Letter From My Mother: Moire insane Watchtower Rhetoric
by confusedandalone inagain, i apologize to any who think i may be going overboard posting these letters, but i am hoping that i can help prepare others for the type of bombardment that they may face when dealing with mentally diseased witness parents who have no idea just how much control this cult has over them:.
august 19, 2013. dear <my name removed> & <my wifes name removed>, .
i had the privilege of attending the convention this weekend for a second time and i must say that i enjoyed it more than the first.
diana netherton
Apostates are jealous? Of what?
I'm famous...
by diana netherton inokay..maybe just locally.
but the newspaper did an article and interview with me about my profession.
check out my video clip at:.
diana netherton
Thanks for all of your interest in my profession...it's something that you see on the telly but really don't think much about until you actually meet a reporter....that's my experience anyway.
Keeping track of things...well, you have to be on your game. I'm pretty old school in that I don't use audio backup hardly at all. When I first began having a tape recorder was verboten. Then laptops came along and our softward has a recording option, and now our machines even can audio record. I definitely can see the benefit of having it, but if there is too much reliance on it, you're in trouble if that audio fails. You better be getting it regardless. I rarely stop people unless I absolutely have to. I find that it interrupts the flow and attorneys get frustrated.
Band, you are right. Reporters were mostly male years ago. They were trained in the military most of them....however, it started to shift in the 80s when women started training, and now it's mainly looked at as predominantly female profession. Far fewer men! I was planning on going to law school myself and even finished my degree. But honestly, when I looked at the cost of law school and what I would be making as a new attorney, it came up as thousands of dollars less.
I can tell you all that this profession pays well. It's one of the few that you can have without a four-year degree. However, the process to get here is not easy. Only 10 percent of people enrolled in court reporting programs actually finish. You have to be dedicated completely. But if you're successful and you're willing to work hard, your efforts will pay off. The good thing about this profession is you can work at home doing captioning, freelance or court work. It's pretty flexible.
If you have any questions, let me know..or PM me.
I'm famous...
by diana netherton inokay..maybe just locally.
but the newspaper did an article and interview with me about my profession.
check out my video clip at:.
diana netherton
Vid...thanks for asking. My grandmother recently passed away in June and it's been difficult for me. My father was just diagonsed with terminal cancer, and to top it off, my boyfriend of three years wants to break up with me again. (Don't ask :) So, yes, I am rather weary.
But I am trying to look at the positive. Sometimes it's difficult. I get so down. Funny how you could pick that up on the video without even knowing me!
I'm famous...
by diana netherton inokay..maybe just locally.
but the newspaper did an article and interview with me about my profession.
check out my video clip at:.
diana netherton
Thanks...and thanks for the link, Cofty. Wing, you're near me???? That's awesome!
To answer your question, the steno machine works phonetically, so there are a zillion combinations...with 22 keys and each of them can be pressed individually or simultaneously. You have "brief forms" which encompasses a bunch of words into one stroke, such as, please state your name? I would write that in one stroke using multiple keys...my computer software is programmed to the way I write, so it comes out in readable English. It's really like another language!
Another court reporter on here...you made it through..I wish I could leave but I can't find another profession that pays what I make now.
I'm famous...
by diana netherton inokay..maybe just locally.
but the newspaper did an article and interview with me about my profession.
check out my video clip at:.
diana netherton
Okay..maybe just locally. But the newspaper did an article and interview with me about my profession. Check out my video clip at:
Article about Stenographers.
Role Reversal: Placing 1969 Awake with JW's Manning the New Portable Literature Displays
by snapdragon4 inin recent weeks the jw’s here in the uk have been setting up their new portable watchtower literature displays in my local town square on a saturday morning.
as they hadn’t knocked on my door for at least five years, and consequently feeling somewhat neglected, i thought that i would pay them a visit instead.. .
the first thing i needed to do was arrange my literature.
diana netherton
So absoultely brilliant!! You made them see that you're not some evil, insane crazy madman, but another fellow human being with feelings just like them. I hope the young girl checks out the site. I would hate for her to wither away as a JW...
Every so often I receive a very uncomplimentary email thru my website from a JW. Want to read it?
by AndersonsInfo intheir email address is: xxxxx.
and their message is:.
you probably would say, 'i didn't abandon him, i can still serve him on my own.
diana netherton
I just will never figure out how JWs think that this approach will win us back. It's so UNchristian.